Autoflowering cannabis strains are a result of the introducing of cannabis ruderalis genetics to a more ususal strain. We take a look at how this genetic pairing offers growers a unique set of advantage,s as well as the potential disadvantages that come with them

There are a lot of options to choose from when browsing our cannabis seed catalogue. One variety of cannabis that often gains as many questions as it does interest in autoflowering cannabis. In this article, we will explore what it is and what its pros and cons are.
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The cannabis plant is a diverse and genetically flexible creature, having species that have developed entirely different traits as a result of evolving in different parts of the world. The species known as cannabis ruderalis evolved in northern parts of the world where summers are shorter and therefore less light is available annually. Having adapted to these conditions, cannabis ruderalis developed the ability to flower based on age, instead of a change in photoperiod. This is a stark difference from other types of cannabis, that all require changing hours of light in order to flower.
This characteristic is what has enabled and inspired breeders to merge ruderalis genetics with that of indica and Sativa varieties of cannabis, creating hybrids that maintain the cannabinoid content of sativas and indicas, but that flower with age.
Ruderalis is rarely grown in its pure genetic form, as its yields are low and its cannabinoid content is far outweighed by its indica and sativa counterparts.
Let us first explore the advantages of growing autoflowering strains, of which there a quite a few.
Another possible advantage of autoflowering cannabis strains - one that is highly subjective depending on the grower - is that they grow to quite a small and limited size. This factor is again due to the introduction of cannabis ruderalis genetics.
Sativa plants are known for their vast heights and slender leaves, capable of growing into enormous bushes outdoors if allowed to. Indicas, on the other hand, have a smaller stature, yet are broad which thicker, fan-like leaves. In contrast, pure ruderalis plants really do appear like weed. They are small and thin yet hardy and adaptive.

Examples of this small stature can be seen from the two autoflowering cannabis strains that have already been mentioned above. Quick One can be expected to grow from 50 to 60 cm indoors, and an increased 60 to 100 cm if grown outside. On the other hand Royal Dwarf can reach heights of 40 to 70 cm when grown indoors and large sizes of 50 to 90 cm when grown outdoors.
This is a massive advantage for growers who want to see their valuable yield as soon as possible. It is also a massive advantage to those growing in certain parts of the world where being stealthy and fast to harvest are essential requirements.
Autoflowering strains typically grow a lot faster than indica and sativa strains; some autoflowering strains can go from seed to harvest in as fast as two months.. Examples of such fast and efficient growing times include the autoflowering strain appropriately named “Quick one”.
Royal Dwarf is another fine example of a fast growing autoflowering cannabis strain, with yields that can be expected to be seen at around 8 to 9 weeks.
The newly produced strains of autoflowering cannabis have proven that they can produce quality medicine comparable with classical short-day strains. Breeders have reported THC content in the low 20% in some newer varieties while many varieties also have high CBD content.[6] The advantages that autoflower breeders report with their plants include:
- Short life span with many going from seed to harvest in under 13 weeks (some as short as seven weeks)
- Can be kept short in stature for "stealth" growing
- The Cannabis ruderalis heritage causes flowering after 2–3 weeks from germination
- No need for a separate vegetative and flowering environment (unlike with photoperiod dependent/ short-day strains)
- Simple seed production, one plant can produce several hundred seeds even at 1 foot (30.5 cm) tall
- Due to short life span can be grown in cold climates where summers are short and cold[7]
- Can be grown outside in city environment where there is artificial lighting, that would affect (stress) regular strains
- Can produce multiple harvests outdoors in one season
One of the main advantages of autoflowering strains is that they do not require a change in the light cycle in order to flower. Instead, they flower with age.
Autoflowering strains will flower automatically regardless of the light cycle they receive. For example, they can be kept at a light cycle of 16/8, meaning 16 hours of light and 8 hours of darkness each day, all the way through both the vegetative and flowering stages. This differs from usual cannabis, which reuqires a change in light cycles in order to cause flowering.
This gives outdoor one major potential advantage - it is possible to grow multiple harvests per season. And if you forget to plant your cannabis seeds in time, you can still start late in the season with an auto and make harvest in time before the weather gets cold.
Next up we will delve into any possible cons or disadvantages of cultivating autoflowering cannabis strains. It is important to note that the disadvantages here are indeed subjective and will change depending of the views of different growers. What is seen as a disadvantage to some may indeed be viewed as an advantage to others.
As mentioned above, we once again find ourselves addressing the topic of the size of autoflowering strains. As we have discussed, autoflowering cannabis strains are indeed on the smaller side of the spectrum.
For growers with a huge grow room or private outdoor space, they may prefer to focus on strains that can grow to giant proportions with equally giant yields. Although a variety of strategies can be employed in order to maximise the yield of any auto cannabis strains, they are genetically smaller, and therefore cannot reach the massive yields of say, a monolithic sativa strain that looks more like a tree than cannabis plant.
There continues to be some short-day cannabis growers that insist that autoflowers are simply a fad and produce subpar medicine. The number one reason for these feelings are the understandable disappointment many had with the results of the first Lowryder. Also commonly argued is that when growing indoors, growers already have the ability to initiate flowering with photoperiod/short-day plants at will by changing the lighting. Hormones such as BAP and paclobutrazol can also be used to completely arrest vertical growth in photoperiod plants.[citation needed] There are however concerns about the carcinogenicity of some of these growth regulators. When growing outdoors, initiation of flowering in short-day plants is more difficult to control than with autoflowers. Another concern is the overall yield of autoflowering plants which with some dwarf strains can be a half ounce per plant.
The last concern with autoflowering cannabis is the chance of buying genetics that do not actually automatically flower regardless of photoperiod.
Most of the autoflowering seeds available in the market are feminised. Only a few brands do regular autoflowering seeds.
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